SYNERGYS TECHNOLOGIES in its current form was founded by Jean Marc SINGER in 1996. Our original plan was to propose to the French industry simple solutions to improve productivity, achieve energy savings and preserve the environment.
The key vector chosen for the realization of our project was preventive maintenance.
Thanks to our industry experience we have deliberately chosen to address the largest number of maintenance technicians by proposing close to the “field” solutions.
Thus we began to import and distribute in France diagnostic tools for predictive maintenance characterized by their ease of use, efficiency and low cost.
For almost fifteen years we have been the exclusive distributor in France of the biggest brands of ultrasonic detectors, thermal imaging cameras, laser shaft alignment systems and vibration analysis devices.
From 2010 we began to consider developing our own solutions for two major reasons :
- Develop our export sales
- Develop the technology that had not produced anything new since a long time.
From the idea that clear vision is essential in everything in life, we began to rethink the traditional diagnostic tools by introducing the vision.That’s how was born in 2013 the sensational LEAKSHOOTER the first ultrasonic leak detection camera in the world. 2016 will see the arrival of our second innovation the VSHOOTER, the first vibration analysis camera. Just as the LEAKSHOOTER the VSHOOTER is a totally new concept of diagnostic tool. Other sensational products will follow as our R&D agenda is full booked for several years.
This progressive conversion from distribution business to the manufacturing has been possible thanks to the great experience, skill and dedication of our team to whom I pay tribute.
I also pay tribute to the excellence of our suppliers who accompany us in our projects as well as support organizations such as CAPTRONIC, BPI, CCI, COFACE.
Last but not least, I honor and thank our loyal customers and distributors around the world through the trust in us allow this great human adventure, that seamlessly deploy the benefit of excellence to the companies.
Jean-Marc SINGER, Président
Our team

Arabelle MCKENNA – Directrice Générale

Guy MONIER – Directeur Technique

Gilles CLAUDEPIERRE – Directeur Commercial

Nathalie RICH – Responsable service après vente

Anastasia TALEC – Comptable

Jean-Marc SINGER – Président